Thursday, December 20, 2007

What I did with some extra gifts

Just wanted to share with everyone, we had two extra sets of gifts from my ABC group we voted to give one to a friend who had to drop out becasue of a family crises and we thought she needed cheering up, But the other set we decided to doante at first I was going to take them to my Senior Citizen Center here in town but on my way to the allergist today I decided to take them to the hospital instead, So along with gifts from ABC - I also donated a few of the gifts from Puzzle Art Plus - since I was in 2 groups in that one too - as most of you know my dd helped me 'keep' some of my gifts as she really liked them too - but a few of the other items I just kept thinking what will I do with two - so I decided that I should share the beautiful art work with others - Lets face it - it really SUCKS to be in the hospital any time or any day but on Christmas now that is really the pits - so I thought that the gifts should go were they would be most needed! Even if you do have family that comes to visit, it just isn't going to be the Christmas you want to remember, so maybe our art will cheer some people up on Christmas Day.

I just wanted to share - I know most of you knew what the finale decision was but I wanted you all to know that I had completed my mission and all the gifts would find a good home for Christmas.


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